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Studio Update

March 20, 2020

To our community,

Tatyana Grosman founded Universal Limited Art Editions in 1957 in the face of adversity and out of necessity. After her husband, Maurice, suffered a heart attack, she needed to support the two of them. Drawing on her and Maurice’s Bohemian roots, she decided that whatever she did, it had to involve beauty and art. 

Today, as our studio, our artists, our collectors, and friends far and wide face the COVID-19 pandemic, we find ourselves meditating upon the principles on which we were founded. That is, art is a place for people to turn to in times of uncertainty. ULAE is a sanctuary for artists to disseminate their ideas. We are an extended family that must nurture and support each other.

As life changes minute by minute, we wanted you to know that some things stay the same. Our work moves forward. We’ve begun working remotely with artists on new works. We've adjusted our studio work practices to keep our staff healthy and safe. And, we are finishing new editions by Carroll Dunham, Martin Puryear, Kiki Smith and Charline von Heyl as well as beginning production on new series with Marina Adams, Christopher Wool and Wyatt Kahn. 

Although we miss our daily camaraderie and gathering for lunch together in the studio, we will continue to share updates from our remote locations, our lovable print shop dogs, and our #oddlysatisfying printmaking videos through social media. We invite you to join us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share, chat, joke, and reflect together on bringing art into the world.

We are thinking about all of you—wishing you the best and looking forward to emerging from this challenge even stronger and more determined to spread wonder and joy through art.

Take care, stay safe and talk soon.

Larissa, Bill, and all at ULAE
